Our trip to England

In August, 41 students of grade 9 and four English teachers went on a journey to Bournemouth, South England.
Here is what we experienced:

Text written by Maria Fieseler, 9-2
On Saturday the 24th of August we got onto the bus near our school, we finally went to England. The bus ride was long and exhausting, on the ferry most of the people were sleeping or walking around. Afterward we got back on the bus till we reached Cavendish School, there we got picked up by our host families.
After we arrived at our host families home it was time for lunch and later had freetime till it was time for dinner. Most of the people went to the beach.

On Monday morning we got picked up by the bus at around 10am near our nearest bus stop. We picked up our tour guide and went to Winchester. In Winchester we visited the ruins of Winchester Castle, it was built around 1067 so its impressive thta some of it still exists.
After Winchester we went to New Forest but only the part where the ponies are but of course dont pet the ponies or you`ll hav to pay a lot of money.We then wanted to go deeper into the National Park but couldn`t because there was something on the road, so instead we went to Christchurch. Because it wasn‘t planned we just simply had some freetime. At around 6pm we reached back to our host families home.

Tuesday was everyones favorite day because we went to London! We got picked up at 7:30, the bus ride was quite long but worth it. Our tour guide was very cool she brought her husband along who once was a Royal Guard. He told us some really useful facts. In our freetime some of us went shopping, some went to see other attractions and some just tried british food. On the bus ride back we sang some german songs like „grieschischer Wein“.

On Wednesday we got picked up by the bus. We went to Portland (portland stoooone). We went to a really stony beach but we didnt stay there for long cause we went to Weymouth. Weymouth has got a really pretty beach too you can play arcade games, ride small rollercoasters or eat fish and chips, a typical british dish.
We went to Lulworth Cove afterward just to find out we had to hike a little bit to get the best view. Did you guys know that this was the place where the Windows XP backround was shot? I didn`t. After we went down we had half an hour freetime to get souvenirs or food and drink. We went back to our host families but not for long because that day it also was time for karaoke! Some of us sang alone but most of us sang as a group. The best singers were the teachers they sang so well and because we could see the lyrics too we sang along. Everybodyyyyyy!

On Thursday the bus picked us up at 7:30 we went to Stonehenge, the air there was so fresh and amazing. The stones have a deep history and there are many myths about who might have placed the stones there. Like who carried them? They must be really heavy!
After Stonehenge we went to Salisbury, its a small town with its main point being a very old but wonderful cathedral. We had a tour and freetime, afterwards we went to Christchurch again. We still got some freetime after our tour. Back at our host families the day ended.

Friday was our last day in Bournemouth so we really enjoyed the last bit of freetime we had in England. The bus ride was quite boring because we all were exhausted from the week. We missed our traffic because of the traffic so we had to wait some time.
On Saturday at around 2pm we arrived back in Leipzig.
Thanks to the school for giving us this opportunity. The trip was the best thing ever, I can really recommend this to other students.


Author: Chwila