Hiya boys and girls,
On this website you’ll find lots of information and useful links. We hope you’ll enjoy
2. Our English book and supplementary material
- English G access by the Cornelsen publisher – go to Scook.de and register and then type the ISBN number of your book to get access to the additional material (e. g. the audio files or for the workbook special files)
- Vokabel App provided by the Cornelsen publisher (vocabulary per Year about 7-8 Euros)
3. CLIL/BILI modules
- plans for the BILI-classes are provided on LernSax – file „Klassenleiter“
4. Recommendations for parents (Empfehlungen für Eltern)
- Liebe Eltern, wir arbeiten an der Schule mit den Materialien vom Cornelsen Verlag (access Reihe).
- Unsere Empfehlungen sind: der Wordmaster, ggf. der Vokabeltrainer als App und der dazugehörige Wortschatz (ca. 8 Euro) sowie die Verbentrainer (ca. 5 Euro). Außerdem kann für Ihr Kind der Klassenarbeitstrainer nützlich sein zum individuellen Üben vor einer anstehenden Klassenarbeit.
5. Contests
- Big Challenge (every year in May)
- Solo-Wettbewerb Kl. 8-10: Bundeswettbewerb Fremdsprachen – National Contest for learners of foreign languages
- Solo Plus Kl. 10 using two foreign languages
- Team – the teacher has to fill in the application form
6. Special events
- Interact – intercultural day for learners of Year 6
7. Online dictionaries
- language guide picture dictionary
- dict.cc
- leo
- linguee
- Pons
- Pons Bilderwörterbuch – picture dictionary
- Meriam Webster
- Macmillan
- visualize a word
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
8. Websites for individual practice and revision
- englisch-hilfen.de
- ego4u.de
- Activities for ESL (English as a second language) students
- pronunciation
- Planet Schule (lots of videos for many subjects not only for English)
- more videos (Videos about grammar)